Communion Assistant Volunteer Description

Communion Assistant Volunteer Description

Thank you so much for volunteering at Cross of Christ! As a Communion Assistant, you are distributing the Sacrament of Holy Communion in worship. This is for anyone of ALL ages – preferable to those who have received first communion instruction.

Please read through the following responsibilities:

  • After the Pastor welcomes people to the table, please come forward behind the altar with the pastor.
  • Sanitize your hands with sanitizer up front (please don’t touch your face after you sanitize).
  • Receive communion from the pastors.
  • Stand in front of the aisle on the side you are directed by pastor
    • Bread – “Body of Christ, given for you”
      • Gluten-free wafers: These are always available at both stations. If you are distributing bread and someone asks for one, pick up the whole basket and let them get the wafer themselves
      • If you give bread and a child comes forward who doesn’t commune, place your hand on their head and give a blessing like “Jesus loves you,” or “God bless you today.”
    • Wine/Juice Tray – “Blood of Christ, shed for you”
      • Empty glasses should be placed in the baskets.
      • An altar guild member will give you another full tray when/if yours is running low.
      • Hold tray so each person can select their own wine/juice  – always turn tray so full side is facing out
  • Take communion to those in the congregation who need communion at their seat – you will be notified by the usher.
  • Bring leftover bread to the altar and place on the plate. Give trays to the altar guild.
  • Then, return to your seat in the congregation.

Thanks for your ministry!