Cross of Christ Core Values
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church boldly meets the future in our ever-changing world.
We welcome individuals and families of all types to share in the grace and acceptance found in our community.
Together we worship and learn, as we study and strive to live the Word of God in our everyday vocations. In our neighborhoods and in our world, we extend helping hands, offering ourselves in service to others and sharing our resources with those in need.
Our Team
We are blessed to have amazing leadership
at Cross of Christ Lutheran Church!

Kathleen Armstrong
Lead Pastor

Lorie Couture
Office Administrator

Aly Kohlmeyer
Associate Pastor

Nikki Leverone
Financial Secretary

Amy Pallas
Director of Children’s Ministry

Jessica Wanecek
Director of Communications

Joseph Noelliste
Director of Music Ministry

Amy Goodmanson
Preschool/Kindergarten Director
Our Mission
Who We Are
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church invites all to join in celebrating Christ’s love as we Worship, Learn, and Serve.
Cross of Christ began in 1994 and is located in Broomfield, Colorado, just north of the city of Denver. We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) that is committed to the gift of grace that God brings to the world through Jesus Christ. As a congregation, we experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in Scripture, in the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism, and in the ways we share our time, hearts, and efforts in service to our community and the world.
Our congregation’s mission statement and vison are centered on Invitation, Worship, Learning, and Service.
WORSHIP: We offer a place to gather in Word and Sacrament, inspiring all to walk as children of God.
LEARNING: We invite and engage all to strengthen their faith, deepen their relationship with God, and empower them to share their faith with others.
SERVICE: We inspire all to share their God-given gifts in service to the church, the community, and the world.
We aim to embody that mission both within and beyond the walls of our building. We are intentional in our invitation that welcomes all. No matter your background, whether you grew up in faith tradition or not, we believe all people are children of God and siblings in Christ.
Grow With Us
We have been Created to be Called in many ways.

We are created to care for one another. We do this through our online prayer team, our outreach services including our community meals, sandwiches for the homeless, and being a part of the safe parking initiative. To be involved in any of these areas, please contact the church office.

We are created to be connected to one another. We encourage people to follow us on facebook, to sign up for our online newsletter, and join us for Faith Fellowship on Sunday mornings at 10:15 a.m.

We are created to commit ourselves to one another and to God. We invite people to give of themselves by sharing their passions and their resources with the church. We encourage people to help lead worship and get involved in activities. We give thanks to God for the blessings we receive and respond by offering our own gifts to the church and others. To learn more about giving to the church, please click below.