As we look towards 2025, we reflect on how we are Created to be Called to live out our faith by Caring for one another, Connecting with our community, and Committing our time and resources so that we and this community can Thrive in our mission to serve and love the Lord.
Cross of Christ Giving Opportunities
“Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9: 7
Generosity is part of the Christian life – and it is a joy to give! We gather together as a community to be sent to share and transform faith, hopes, and lives. So too is our generosity. Our gifts that are gathered are invested both outside and inside our community to share with the world God’s grace, love, and hope. Your generous gifts make a difference through the ministries of Cross of Christ, through feeding the homeless, the children’s and youth ministries, our worship life, or to our partner ministries such as Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp, Campus Ministry, and New Beginnings Mission Congregation. Your generous gifts truly make a difference in our community and in the world. Thank you!
There are many ways to give generously at Cross of Christ.
Donate online using a bank account, credit card or debit card.
See these Step by Step instructions on how to donate online.
Download the Vanco Mobile Faith Engagement for Android or iPhone and search for Cross of Christ Lutheran Church.
You will have to set up the account at the start, but then it is as easy as pushing a button.
You will have access to your giving account and giving history.
Utilize your bank’s bill pay service and have checks automatically sent to the church
Your offering can be mailed to the church office.
If you give on a regular basis, an offering envelope can be assigned to your name.
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church
12099 Lowell Blvd
Broomfield, CO 80020
IRA / 401k
For those of you subject to “Required Minimum Distributions” (RMD) from your traditional IRA or 401k, you may take these distributions before year end. When you’ve reached the age of 70 1/2, you have the option to make a “Qualified Charitable Distribution” (QCD) direct from your Traditional IRA. This QCD is pre-tax so contact your financial advisor for details. this method of charitable giving benefits the church and your 2024 tax return.
Give appreciated stock as a way to minimize your tax consequences on appreciated investments.
Contact our Financial Secretary, Nikki Leverone (, for detailed information.
Please consider a gift to Cross of Christ in your will and/or estate plans.
Cross of Christ Gift Policy (Approved 9/8/2020)

King Soopers
If you use a King Soopers rewards card, connect it to Community Rewards so that Cross of Christ can receive a percentage of any purchase you make! It takes just two minutes to connect your card – fill out your information HERE. Once you’ve connected your card, it is automatically connected to Cross of Christ. These reward dollars go directly to support our Youth Summer Service Trip, Cross of Christ Preschool and Kindergarten, and Cross of Christ Music Gift Fund that supports the Music Ministry program at CCLC.