Cross of Christ Confirmation Ministry is designed for 6th – 8th Graders.
The curriculum focuses on the Bible (learning books, history, and meaning) and the Small Catechism (the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, the Apostles; Creed, and the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion). As part of this ministry, youth will participate in service projects, visit other Christian and non-Christian churches, assist in Sunday morning worship, and participate in a mentoring ministry.
We meet each Wednesday from October through April. We take a break as the end of December and during the season of Lent, for mentoring.
The Affirmation of Baptism Worship Service is held on Reformation Sunday (October) of the student’s ninth grade year.

Click on a link below for more information:
Statement of Purpose
The Confirmation journey is an intentional time set aside during a young person’s life for them to question, grow, and seek transformation in their Christian faith. In our confirmation ministry, our youth learn what it means to be a Lutheran Christian in the world today.
At Cross of Christ, Confirmation is our main middle school ministry. In our congregation, we involve young people in this ministry during their 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years, with their Affirmation of Baptism taking place in the fall of their 9th grade year.
Confirmation is a time together, not a time apart. Throughout the confirmation ministry we seek to build relationships among students, adults, our Christian community, and God. This is NOT a journey toward a graduation, but another step on the life-long journey of faith that extends from birth to death.
We strive to partner with parents and family members in this ministry, during these years as you guide your child in developing a stronger relationship with Christ. We invite even those who are uncertain of taking part in their 9th grade Affirmation of Baptism to join us as we learn, explore, grow, and wonder together in faith.
No one is too young or too old at Cross of Christ.
The ministries that we do are with all ages, and it is all ages that make the ministry we do happen. While we sometimes learn apart, some of the most joyous occasions are when all generations are gathered together: service projects where grandparents and grandchildren are making cards for the homebound, Vacation Bible School where over 100 adult and youth volunteers make the Bible and faith engaging for over 200 children, our Confirmation mentoring time between adults and middle school students, and our Sunday worship times.




All Ages

Registration For Vacation Bible School Is Open!
This year’s theme is True North: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World!
To register, please use the link below or give our Church Office a call.