Online Worship Videos
Click here to view our prior worship videos.
Worship Volunteering
There are many ways you can volunteer here at Cross of Christ. Click here to view those opportunities!
Children In Worship
Click here to learn about how we welcome children in our worship service.

Cross of Christ celebrates an open communion. We believe that ALL are welcomed to come to the Lord’s Table as it is given to us through Jesus Christ, and he invites us to receive it for the forgiveness of sin. We welcome children, young and old, we welcome those that are new to faith, those that have come to church since childhood, and those that may struggle with what they believe. It is the Lord’s table given to ALL.
Music Ministry
Music plays an important role during worship.
Soli Dei Choir. Cross of Christ’s 4 part choir. They sing all genres of choral music. All levels and ages are welcome.
Proclaim. Proclaim is a Praise Team that worships through popular Christian music. We include all four voice parts, guitar, bass, drums, and special solo instruments for special music. All experience levels are welcome.
Special Music Ensembles. Certain worship services throughout the year we have our special music ensembles provide beautiful music. This includes trumpets, flutes and many other instruments.