Assistant Minister Volunteer Description

Reader / Assistant Minister Volunteer Description – 9:00 am Service

Thank you so much for volunteering at Cross of Christ! As an Assistant Minister, you are helping lead worship and distributing Holy Communion to the congregation of Cross of Christ Lutheran Church. You will receive an email on Thursday of the week before your Sunday which will include the prayers you will need for Sunday and the order of worship with your part highlighted. A copy of the service will be in a binder for you on Sunday. Please take some time to read over the prayers and if you have any questions, please ask the pastor before the service. This is for anyone of ALL ages – preferably to those who have received first communion instruction.  This role can be shared with multiple people from the same family or friends.

Please read through the following responsibilities: 

  • Please arrive 15 minutes before the service. 
  • Check with the pastors for any changes
  • You may sit with the pastors in the front row on the northside of the sanctuary or you may sit with your family – if possible on the northside, closest to the pulpit.
  • All readings are done at the pulpit, unless otherwise instructed. You will read all parts that are highlighted:
    • Scripture Reading – Please come to the pulpit after the prayer of the day and the pastor has instructed the congregation to be seated. 
    • Prayers of the People – Please come to the pulpit after the hymn of the day or after a baptism / special blessings  
    • Offertory Prayer – Please come to the pulpit during the special music
  • Post Communion prayer – come to the pulpit after communion and wait for the pastor to give the blessing.

  • After the Pastor welcomes people to the table, please come forward behind the altar with the pastor.
  • Sanitize your hands with sanitizer up front (please don’t touch your face after you sanitize).
  • You receive Communion behind the altar with the others who are helping distribute the bread and wine.
  • Please give the pastor communion – if there is only one pastor.
  • Stand in front of the aisle on the side you are directed by pastor
  • Bread – “Body of Christ, given for you”
    • Gluten-free wafers: These are always available at both stations. If you are distributing bread and someone asks for one, pick up the whole basket and let them get the wafer themselves
    • If you give bread and a child comes forward who doesn’t commune, place your hand on their head and give a blessing like “Jesus loves you,” or “God bless you today.”
  • Wine/Juice Tray – “Blood of Christ, shed for you”
    • Empty glasses should be placed in the baskets.
    • An altar guild member will give you another full tray when/if yours is running low.
    • Hold tray so each person can select their own wine/juice  – always turn tray so full side is facing out
  • Take communion to those in the congregation who need communion at their seat – you will be notified by the usher.
  • Bring leftover bread to the altar and place on the plate. Give trays to the altar guild.

Thanks for your ministry!