Welcome to Cross of Christ


Welcome to Cross of Christ!

We are so glad you have come to worship with us! 

We hope through this experience you felt the love of God and the grace we receive through Jesus Christ.

We would love to learn more about you and how we can be in fellowship with one another.

Please take just a few minutes to fill out THIS FORM.


What to Expect when Worshiping with us.

We are a warm and welcoming congregation, to all people.  Please read through our mission and vision as a congregation.

Our worship service is a mixed of traditional hymns and praise music while keeping the foundations of our Lutheran faith (Confession, Prayers, Scripture, Sermons, and Holy Communion).  Every Sunday we celebrate in the sacrament of Holy Communion, opening the table to ALL for it is Christ’s table.  We welcome people of all ages and want to engage children in our worship service.  We have a children’s worship area in the sanctuary for young children to quietly play as parents can participate fully in worship.  We also have take and keep worship bags for children that includes activities and story books.  And we have cushy boosters, so children can see and worship together as a family.

On Sunday morning, we have a cozy café with coffee and snacks to relax and engage in conversation with one another.

There is Faith formation in between services (September – May) for all ages.  You are feel to participate as you are comfortable.


How to become a Member

New Member Orientation is offered one – two times a year typically in the fall and spring.

This is a Sunday brunch that allows us to fellowship and get to know each other better.

We review the Cross of Christ Mission Statement of WORSHIP, LEARN, and SERVE and the history of our congregation.  We look at how we are connected as Cross of Christ to the whole ELCA.  You will get to know the staff and learn about the various opportunities to grow in your faith through worship, faith formation, and service.

A new member receives a sponsor from the congregation that will answer any questions they may have and walk with them through their first year in our community.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the congregation please contact the church office.