Welcome Host / Usher Volunteer Description
Welcome Host / Usher Volunteer Description
Thank you so much for volunteering at Cross of Christ! As an usher, you welcome people warmly. You assist those that may have a special need, and help during the worship service. This is for anyone of ALL ages.
Before Worship Usher Responsibilities:
- Please arrive 20 minutes before the worship service begins.
- Please be available, helpful, and welcoming.
- Please hand out bulletins
- Bulletins are located on the square table by the main narthex doors
- If you run out of bulletins, please ask people to share. If you run out, please let them know the service information will be on the screens during worship.
- Please direct people to any needed places or items
- Sanctuary, Restrooms, Fellowship Hall, Coat Rack
- Nursery (the nursery is currently open for children and their parents. There is no attendant at this time)
- “Take and Keep” Worship Bags for children
- Welcome table containing newsletter information, guest information and upcoming event information.
During Worship Usher Responsibilities:
- Please sit in the narthex or right inside the sanctuary in order to assist the congregation or welcome late comers – always be aware of who is coming in our building.
- Please count all who are present, including children and those leading worship.
- Log on the sheet located on the Usher’s bookshelf.
- Log the number of children and adults at Children’s Church on the sheet, and put the sheet in the offering plate during the collection of the offering.
- When the sermon is over, please tell the leaders of Children’s Church so they can return.
- Please direct the collection of the offering (after the Sharing of Peace).
- Receive the offering plate by the Pastor at the front of the church.
- One usher please bring the offering forward during the offering song.
- Please direct the Communion procession.
- At the beginning of the communion song, please go forward on each side of the aisle to usher the congregation forward to receive Communion.
- Ushers are served last.
- Please tell the pastor(s) if someone needs Communion brought to their seat.
- Northside – usher those on the east section (by the flags) first. Then move the aisle on the westside and usher those two sections forward simultaneously.
- Please count all who are present, including children and those leading worship.
- Southside – Let choir go first. Then usher both sections forward simultaneously.
After Worship Usher Responsibilities:
- Please straighten up the sanctuary after the worship service.
- Remove unclaimed bulletins and place them neatly back in the basket and place on the usher bookcase.
- Take 11:15 am worship bulletins from usher bookcase and put them on the square pedestal.
- Place light blue worship cards (2 Communion Assistant cards) in front of the 11:15 am bulletins. Also place pink worship volunteer sign with it.
- Straighten chairs and throw away garbage.
Thank you for your ministry!